Hi parents!
You and your family (2 adults and 2 children) are officially invited to the Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out happening on;
Date : 2 January 2010
Time : 10am till 2pm
Venue : Kizsports & Gym, 1 Utama (Old Wing)
The Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out is this weekend and one lucky family will be winning a trip to Disneyland Hong Kong thanks to Friso Gold! On top of that, 10 parent bloggers will win themselves cash vouchers from Toys R' Us which is certainly useful for your children. ;)
Expect a day of fun filled activities for your children and yourself. There will also be goody bags and various hampers to be given out on the day itself. Don't be late as the fun does not wait and neither do the prizes.
*** kepada kawan-kawan, sempat lagi nak joint contest ini kerana di lanjutkan sehingga 29 December 2009 ini.. Jom la joint sekali.. :-)
nak joint, just klik
You and your family (2 adults and 2 children) are officially invited to the Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out happening on;
Date : 2 January 2010
Time : 10am till 2pm
Venue : Kizsports & Gym, 1 Utama (Old Wing)
The Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out is this weekend and one lucky family will be winning a trip to Disneyland Hong Kong thanks to Friso Gold! On top of that, 10 parent bloggers will win themselves cash vouchers from Toys R' Us which is certainly useful for your children. ;)
Expect a day of fun filled activities for your children and yourself. There will also be goody bags and various hampers to be given out on the day itself. Don't be late as the fun does not wait and neither do the prizes.
Blogger Relations Department
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
Blogger Relations Department
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
*** kepada kawan-kawan, sempat lagi nak joint contest ini kerana di lanjutkan sehingga 29 December 2009 ini.. Jom la joint sekali.. :-)
nak joint, just klik

org tu ado col akak jue, terkejot den .. ingt kan sapa ler..
rupe nye ...
dia mintk akak join contest tu .. adeh sgt2 le maleh nk join jue .. xreti ler huhuhu
kak zura >> jom la joint kak.. ala senang jer contest dia.. ikut jer arahan 1,2,3 dia.. edit picas si skil dengan gadget2 dia tue.. then, wat post kat blog..
kalo rajin, jom la joint kak.. kita meramaikan lagi..
** dasat tue.. siap kol lagi tue.. hehehe.. bukan calang2 org dia kol... apa lagi kak.. watlah entry.. hadiah lumayan tuee..
adoi...harus la kowang masuk disneyland hongkong tu wei...sgt2 happening...
jumpo kite disana ek jue.. sekali ngan Adik kekekeke.. lego denn dah ada gang taklah kite kekok rasa cam gathering lak ek wakakaka
aa dapat email soh join contest. tp tu la, tak bape kreatif nak mengarang ayat. tgk kawan2 join je la :)
mamashasha >> if ada rezeki kitorg insyallah.. doa-doakan la ekk...?? hehe
kak wana >> yeah..!! kita jumpa di sana yeaa..
alyyani >> rasanya alya lagi kreatif.. sebab ko kan suka menulis.. den nie bila idea dtg jer baru rasa diri kretif.. hehe
DAKU X RETI LE JUE>. waaaaaaaaaaaaa
td try wat x jadi pun .. huhuhu cmner nak tepek dlm blog ..
kak zura >> owh.. picture yang dah edit kan..? akak download.. then nnt save terus kat pc kita....
Jue, jumpa di sana ya!!
zaila >> ok zaila... C u there..
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